It's a family sport. All races are staffed and run by family volunteers from local tracks.Drivers develop physical skills such as coordination, timing, alertness and basic mechanical theory. Internal strength is developed through sportsmanship, self-reliance, accomplishment and recognition. It's just plain fun!
Many second-hand cars in good condition can be found and are perfect for starter cars. The cost can run from $700 for an older used car to $5,000 for a new car set up for the upper, faster classes.
Stock motors range in price from under $500 to well over $3,000 for a motor that has a reputation for winning at national-level events. Local clubs can put a smart shopper in touch with a member offering a package deal of a used car, motor and gear.
By contacting the New Smyrna QMRA, you can find all the resources you need to help your child get started in his or her racing career.
New Smyrna QMRA offers free training programs, where your child can actually learn the rules and how to drive the car before being placed in a competitive situation. These programs are required for your child's safety, and the safety of other drivers on race day.